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Kindergarten Graduation @ 6 p.m.


High School Spring Concert @ 6 p.m.


Senior Graduation @ 6 p.m.



3rd - 6th Field Trips





Last Day of School - Dismissed @ 12 Noon 


      2024 - 2025


August 12 - Teacher In-service

August 13 - Open House @ 6:00

August 14 - 1st Day of School

September 2 - NO SCHOOL

September 12 - Mid-Quarter

September 17 - Picture Day

October 10 - 1st Quarter Ends

October 14-17 - PT Conference  

October 21 - NO SCHOOL

November 12 - Mid-Quarter

November 21 -Thanksgiving Party

November 25 -28 - NO SCHOOL/Thanksgiving Break

December 19-1/2 Day Dismiss @12 2nd Quarter Ends

December 23 - January 2 - NO SCHOOL/ Christmas Break

January 6 - Classes Resume

February 4 - Mid-Quarter

February 13 - Valentine Party

February 17 - NO SCHOOL

March 6 - 3rd Quarter Ends

March 27-31 - NO SCHOOL/Spring Break

April 10 - Mid-Quarter

April 17 - Easter Party

April 21 - NO SCHOOL

May 6 - PK Graduation @ 6:00

May 8 - Graduation @ 6:00

May 15 - 1/2 DAY DISMISS @ 12


4th Quarter Ends




Title. Double click me.


School Calendar


Re-Enrollment Form

 K-12th Grade Application  

 Preschool Application 


Family Handbook

2024 - 2025

School Supply List

Now enrolling for the

2025 - 2026 School Year

Family Handbook


Contact Us: 
School Office: 417-236-9088
Fax: 417-236-9085
General Information E-Mail:
Athletic E-Mail:
PIA E-Mail:
School Board E-Mail:
Summer Hours
Tuesday & Thursday
10:00 - 1:00


Our Student Body Government will be offering Pizza on Thursday.

Order Slips for Pizza must be turned in Wednesday by noon.

Your students will be bringing home order forms.


*Berean Christian Academy Pre-Arranged Absence Procedure

One of the advantages we have here at Berean Christian Academy is the ability to be flexible in our attendance policies.  Last year we asked that the students come to the office and get a Pre-Arranged Absence form, and fill the info out.  We have determined that this was very difficult for the students to adhere to.


This year we have made the following change to the Pre-Arranged Absence Procedure: 

  • 3 school days prior to absence, the parent or student should come in to the office and get the Pre-Arranged Absence form, write the name of the student (one for each student), the dates absent and the reason for absence. 

  • The student will then use that form to go to each class and gather homework assignments.  (Note: Some teachers may ask to have homework turned in before Pre-Arranged Absence, some teachers may give assignments to be turned in upon return from Pre-Arranged Absence, and some teachers may give make up work upon return from Pre-Arranged Absence).

  • The homework should be turned in per the instructions given by the teacher.


If this procedure is not followed the teacher is not required to offer make up homework.

* The rules for using the gym

1) You must have a faculty member in the gym with you.  Faculty members include either administration, a teacher, a coach, or a board member.  

2) You may also pre-plan a time to use the gym, through the office.  The event will be approved, based on schedule, with BCA events taking priority.  We will also require the presence of a responsible adult, who will be required to sign liability waiver, an agreement to cover any damages and pay the appropriate fees.  Pets are not allowed in the gym, school, or bus without pre-approval.

* Congratulations to the graduating class of 2024.  We will miss you and we will keep you in our prayers.


Our Mission

At Berean, our mission is to provide an excellent, Christ-Centered education, framed by the Word of God, where families are working together to teach their children to know and serve the Lord Jesus Christ with all their heart, mind, and soul. 



Proudly Accredited

In order to provide the best possible Christian education for our students, Berean is accredited by the National Association of Private Schools (NAPS).  Through this, it is possible for us to provide several extracurricular opportunities for our students  as well as continuing education for our faculty! This includes: an annual Bible, Academic, and Fine Arts competition, student leadership conferences,  a Christian Educators conference, teacher certifications, and much more! 

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